Friday, 06 February 2009

Nadine sings "Footprints in Africa"

South African artist, Nadine, sings a song she wrote about South Africa, and how she feels about her country.

The video starts with her words: "ek is baie trots op my land" (I am very proud of my country.)

Her message is a very positive one - of love for her country, and optimism about the future. Some may call it naïve, and it probably is.

However, if you take away hope - what remains?

Support her by buying her DVD, which can be found at

Translation of Nadine's song, "Footprints in Africa" (original Afrikaans title: "Afrika Spore")

Deur jou groot woestyn
-- Through your vast desert

Lê 'n reguit lyn
-- Runs a straight line

Loop my spore deur jou hart
-- My footprints reach through your heart

In jou hemelruim
-- Through your skies above

Teen die hoogste kruin
-- Across the highest peaks

Strek ons blydskap en ook ons pad
-- Reach our joy and our journey

As ek jou moes verruil
-- If I had to give you up

Sal ek ween, sal ek saggies huil
-- I will weep, I will shed silent tears

Afrika, jy sal in my agterbly
-- Africa, you will stay in my heart


Suid Afrika, ons sal staande bly
-- South Africa, we will remain standing

Suid Afrika, niks sal ons onderkry
-- South Africa, nothing will overcome us

Al sê die wêreld jy is verby
-- Even if the world says your time is over

Gee jy jou beste vir my
-- You give your best for us

Suid Afrika, dis die land van my
-- South Africa, it is the land of mine


Ons sal onthou waar ons vandaan kom
-- We will remember where we came from

En ons sal weet waarheen ons gaan
-- And we will know where we are heading

Neem my hand, ek sal vorentoe kyk
-- Take my hand, I will look straight ahead

En ek sal onthou om uit te reik
-- And I will remember to reach out

Hier waar ossewa spore rou lê
-- Here where oxen wagons carved their tracks

Dit is die plek waar my voetspore nou lê
-- This is the place where my footprints now lie

Ons sal lewe, ons sal steeds sterwe
-- We will live, we will still die

Ons vir jou, Suid Afrika
-- For our country, South Africa

Nadine - Koe-ma-doe (remix)

Een van Nadine se grootste treffers.

The DVD can be bought internationally at

Ek het die oorspronklike musiek video gekombineer met een van haar konsert optredes.

This is a light hearted song about all kinds of things, mostly love (but not in a serious way) and also a little bit of religion and patriotism.

To give you a few lines as examples:
"when you come to fetch me with your wedding band, make sure you bring everything with you: your bicycle, your picture frames and your tame goose"

"give me a little hug"

"we'll build a little house in second avenue, just like I always wanted"

"this is our very own country"

It's not so common as it used to be. Religion, and specifically Christianity, has always been an important part of the day to day life of a large part of the Afrikaner nation.

The moral baggage of apartheid has almost completely shattered our national pride. However, the new generation of Afrikaners are experiencing a resurgence in this pride, often in response to the racism they experience from blacks in schools and the economic affirmative action policies of the ANC.